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The Redding Archives

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During the past decade I have published six ILLUSTRATED BOOKS containing many of the great works of art that have passed through my gallery.

In 2002 we issued the sumptuous '25th ANNIVERSARY' book with another 311 pages with full colour illustrations and full cataloguing Descriptions.

Each of these hard back limited edition copies are filled with some of the finest examples of European art produced during the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - from paintings, clocks, silver and furniture to garden furnishings, glass and various objets d'art. The volumes are all fully illustrated in colour and contain detailed information about the objects as well as biographical facts about the artists and makers. At present I am in the process of collating and researching my next book, which will be published in 2001 to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Richard Redding Antiques.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of presenting copies of my books to collectors and to those who share my passion for truly great works of art. The response has been overwhelming since these publications are far more than simple gallery catalogues but are now considered as serious art historical references.

If you would like to receive a copy of my forthcoming book then I would be delighted to put you on a mailing list. However it goes without saying that there is no better way to enjoy the objects themselves than by actually seeing and handling them in person. I extend a warm welcome to all visitors at my gallery in the heart of Zurich.

The Redding Archives

Strehlgasse 9
CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland
tel +41 1 2120014
fax +41 1 2121410


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