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Stolen objects report.

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Stolen from a private property in Hampshire, January '00. Musical clock signed "Diago Bolsa Real, Londres."
(James Evans, Royal Exchange, London)

The case is of mahogany with heavy brass handles and ornamentation at the corners,
sides and other parts: the face is a plain white dial, with a smaller dial at each corner,
brass ornament filling the intervening spaces. It strikes the hours on a gong which can
also be set to ring at any hour as an alarm, and has besides a chime of 13 bells playing 4
tunes. The arch above the face is painted a landscape theme with three moving figures in
the foreground: at each hour these figures respectively beat a drum, play a fiddle, and
dance more or less in tune to the music.

Any information to: PC 1872 Daniel Green
at Fleet Police Station Telephone: 01252 324 545
or James Emson at the Art Loss Register Telephone: 0171235 3393.

Stolen objects report.

To the care of the
Horological Foundation.

See 'about-us'
on how to report
'stolen objects'.


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