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The search query found the following results:   About The Horolgical Foundation.

A rare Stella musicbox,
Switzerland, c.a. 1880.
281 musicbox192

A rare Stella musicbox,
Switzerland, c.a. 1880.
  Toebosch Antiques

Fine Antique Clocks
Barometers & Music boxes
A Swiss eight air rosewood inlaid cylinder music box, LeCoultre, circa 1860.
8-093 musicbox192

A Swiss eight air rosewood inlaid cylinder music box, LeCoultre, circa 1860.
A fine Swiss rosewood six-air cylinder music box, Bremond, Geneva, circa 1870.
8-118 musicbox192

A fine Swiss rosewood six-air cylinder music box, Bremond, Geneva, circa 1870.
  Gude & Meis Antique Clocks

Fine Antique clocks

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