Victor Kersing
ue Clocks, Watches,
Barometers & Instruments

Victor Kersing

Victor Kersing is an historian, originally specialised in medieval history. Through his activities as a researcher and editor at the department of Archaeology of the municipality of The Hague. He specialised and immersed himself in the history of The Hague, among other things resulting in an editorship of the yearbook of the 'Historical Association Die Haghe'.

He also edits 'TIJDschrift', the quarterly magazine of the Federatie Klokkenvrienden (federation of several Dutch clock associations).

In addition, he is working on a synopsis on Hague clockmakers.
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The Author Victor Kersing



Late 1656 the physicist Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock, which is still considered as very important. As to implement his invention, Huygens sought collaboration with master clockmaker Salomon Coster in the Hague. From that moment on Coster became the most influential clockmaker in the Netherlands.

Because relatively little was known about Salomon Coster, Victor together with Rob Memel started an archive research on Salomon Coster. Their goal is to map the story of Coster and his family.

De Klokkenmaker van Heemstede
Archive research on Salomon Coster
Victor Kersing and Rob Memel