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The search query found the following results:   About The Horolgical Foundation.

Renaissance table clock by Jakob Marckstein, c. 1580.
393 renaissance162

Renaissance table clock by Jakob Marckstein, c. 1580.
  Stephan Andréewitch

Expert & seller of antique Vienna Regulator clocks, carriage clocks, mantel clocks and more - Empire, Biedermeier, Laterndluhren, Dachluhren, Bodenstanduhren
Rare early gilt brass and silver mounted hexagonal table clock with alarm, the three train movement with outside countwheel signed Davit Mohr, ca 1690.
T14 renaissance172

Rare early gilt brass and silver mounted hexagonal table clock with alarm, the three train movement with outside countwheel signed Davit Mohr, ca 1690.
High rectangular astronomical Augsburger clock with corner posts, ca. 1850
T16 renaissance192

High rectangular astronomical Augsburger clock with corner posts, ca. 1850
18 Century, Hongaria ca. 1720 Four Angular housing with bronze moldings and four glazed insights on the movement. Fold-down sub-floor with a view of balance and screwed bell.
t15 renaissance181

18 Century, Hongaria ca. 1720 Four Angular housing with bronze moldings and four glazed insights on the movement. Fold-down sub-floor with a view of balance and screwed bell.
Vroege tafelklok met fusee werk van Nederlandse maker Christian Minepott. Sluitschijf slagwerk op een bel in de bodem en repetitie bij 2 uur, ca. 1685
T18 renaissance172

Vroege tafelklok met fusee werk van Nederlandse maker Christian Minepott. Sluitschijf slagwerk op een bel in de bodem en repetitie bij 2 uur, ca. 1685
  Van Brug Collection

Fine Antique Clocks and fine Art

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